Last year, the platform unveiled three documentaries for Pride month focusing on the LGBTQ+ experience, including State of Pride, a feature doc on the significance of gay pride that included interviews with various leaders of the movement. We’re asking for an equitable playing field.”
It’s devaluing when we see Google monopolize on our Pride but do so little to actually enhance and protect the LGBTQIA+ digital experience. “Even if YouTube does value and promote diversity, the truth is, the industry is still playing by straight men’s rules.
“It’s clear tech companies are lacking in representation and therefore discriminate against skin color, age, sex, and sexuality,” the group tells Rolling Stone. While Man on Man were happy to see their video back on the platform - the band had uploaded it to Vimeo as a substitute in the interim - they assailed YouTube for its original decision, which they claim is arbitrary and discriminatory. We also offer uploaders the ability to appeal removals and we will re-review the content.” “When it’s brought to our attention that a video has been removed mistakenly, we act quickly to reinstate it. Following a request for comment by Rolling Stone, a rep for the company said the platform made a mistake and reinstated the clip. “With the massive volume of videos on our site, sometimes we make the wrong call,” the rep tells Rolling Stone.